To start a program with an xterm, you need to use the -e option:
xterm -e <program name>.
I am sorry my PC at office run m$ os but it's changing : our system 
administrator want to use Linux boxes first to read mail and then as file 

Alexandre Devaure

De :    Christian Dysthe[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date d'envoi :  jeudi 1 avril 1999 10:42
A :     debian-user
Objet : How to open xterm with and a program at once


how do I open xterm with a program? Let's say I want an icon on my desktop
opening mc or mutt. What would the command be to have an xterm with one of
these programs open automatically with xterm?


Christian Dysthe
Date: 01-Apr-99
Time: 08:42:20
UIN: 33573035
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