Brad Cramer wrote:
I am trying to install phpgroupware on a Debian Woody system, everything is
installed and I can get to the login screen, but it is complaining about not
finding db support. I have php4, mysql, apache and php-mysql installed so I
can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I have checked the phpinfo and
it say's --with-mysql=shared/usr should'nt this take care of mysql support
in php?
Brad Cramer

Here is a repost of Jacob S's solution:
Jacob S. wrote:
Chris and any others that may have been following this thread,

Thanks to the guys over on the phpgroupware-users mailing list, and
some suggestions from this list, I've finally got phpgroupware running.
I ran into a lot of obstacles along the way. Hopefully these notes will
be helpful for others that might be trying to get it running on Debian
Woody as well.

For starters, the php3-mysql package didn't edit
/etc/php3/apache/php3.ini, so I had to add a line to that file before
phpgroupware could see that I did have MySQL support installed. But then
I was still running into a blank page on the Setup/Config Login.

The folks over on the phpgroupware-users list recommended a newer
version of the software off their site, as it had some improvements over
the RC version that's in Debian. That combined with the fact that some
parts of the Debian setup seemed better covered by php4, while php3 was
listed as a dependency, I ended up uninstalling all .debs of php3 and
phpgroupware. I then apt-get installed php4, php4-imap, php4-cgi and
php4-mysql. Once that was configured, thanks to debconf, I used to cvs
to grab the latest stable phpgroupware, and followed the install
instructions from their website. At this point I had a problem with
my web browser telling me the login page was a php3 file, and then
asking me whether I wanted to download it or view it using a file
handler. Through a combination of doing an updatedb, dpkg-reconfigure
apache, editing httpd.conf and clearing the disk and memory cache in my
browser (some of this was due to php3 remnants that were left on my
machine), I was able to get the login page and edit my
file. I also had to change the permissions on the ~phpgroupware
directory to be owned by the same user and group that apache runs as.
Next I had to create an empty database for phpgroupware to use for the
Setup/Config login page. Evidently the mysql apt-get installation didn't
set a password in mysql, so I had to use the command "mysqladmin -u root
create phpgroupware" while logged in as root to create the database
(Dropping the "-p" flag that the phpgroupware page said to use). I'll
obviously need to secure MySQL a little better before I make this
portion of my site public. The next step was giving the group
"phpgroupware" access to the database "phpgroupware," as mentioned on
the phpgroupware site.
Finally I was able to login to the Setup/Config portion of
phpgroupware/setup/index.php. Once you're in there it's just a simple
matter of telling it to install all the applications, setting up an
admin account, creating user accounts, etc.

Now I'll be working on tightening the phpgroupware and MySQL security
and then opening my firewall to allow my users to access my site.
Thanks again for all the help from this list,
Please reply to the list if you succeed.



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