Hola, ¿ qué tal ?

I think that this version is very old, and I don't know if this package has the 
utility, which is the
program to manage bandwidths.

PD: Argentina - Holanda ?


Horacio J. Peña wrote:

> ¡Hola!
> >With the new kernel 2.2, you can use IPROUTE2. The problem is that isn't a 
> >.deb
> >package, so you must compile and
> >install it, becase it's .tgz.
> There is a .deb, and it's in slink. (it's not the newest version, but it works
> great here...)
> >Look at this web:
> >    http://lrcwww.epfl.ch/linux-diffserv/
> > We are probing this package, and i can asure you that is very interesting.
> > Saludos.
> >From .es? :-)
>                                         HoraPe
> ---
> Horacio J. Peña

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