On Sun, Mar 28, 1999 at 07:32:52PM +0200, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> >> "GC" == G Crimp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> GC> I think you are right, though, that it is the list software and
> GC> not the MTA that is silently discarding my mail.
> Also note that the list software doesn't see the SMTP envelope (it is
> not passed on final delivery).
> GC> My From: field is not a problem (thanks mutt !) but I'll give the
> GC> Sender header a crack and see if that makes a difference.
> Good Luck. It is not failure to have the Sender different from the
> From:-header. Actually the Sender should be the "correct" mailbox of
> the sender, even if he changes the From-header. Maybe you don't have a 
> registred hostname for your box, and the list software tries to
> resolve it and fails (or such some).
No I don't have a registered name for my box, but my box's name doesn't
appear anywhere,  I have visible_name set to the name of my ISP.  It is just
the local user name that gets sent out (ie, my user name on my local box)
and appended to my ISP domain.  My local user name is not the same as my
user name on any of my exteranl acounts, so the resulting combination is
illegal.  BTW, you have spoken a couple of times of the acceptable behaviour
of mail agents in handling of From: and Sender: header etc.  Where are you
getting this information ?  I have looked at 4 or 5 RFCs and have seen
nothing of the sort.  I have discovered a couple of sources of RFCs but none
so far that does nice indexing according to topic.  Any help in trying to
find info ?

        Thanks again,


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