>>>>"MH" == Marc Haber schrieb am 29 Mar 1999 10:47:10 +0100:

Hallo Marc !

 MH> It is working as designed if apt-get update doesn't care about a
 MH> Packages.cd file but instead gets the Packages file, missing
 MH> packages from the other CD?

So it seems.

I used a self-burned official CD-set, using apt-get as documented in
the Release Notes, twiddling the CDs after the upgrade from the first
CD was done. That broke my X configuration, i.e., xbase was "upgraded" 
just as described in the "Great X Reorganisation" section and did not
automagically include all of the other new X packages - no wonder, as
they were not on one CD but instead split other both CDs. So I had to
use dpkg for about five to ten packages. Well, after that, everything [1]
worked as expected.


[1]  A noteable exception: xaw-wrappers are broken. See other post.

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