On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 09:28:37PM -0800, Paul Mackinney wrote:
>Karsten M. Self declaimed:
>> on Tue, Dec 31, 2002 at 03:47:08PM -0500, George Georgalis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> > Something seems wrong with the archives at the moment...
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I just finished walking remote hands through a not so simple x
>> > configuration. whew.
>> > 
>> > now a user can 'startx' and use the session, but with gdm the session   
>> > starts then immediately returns to the gdm login.                                 
>> > 
>> > I presume there is a permissions problem here... how do I enable users
>> > with console access (or users in a group) to access (run) the xserver?
>> In /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config:
>>     allowed_users=console
>> You should be able to manage this setting with:
>>     # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common
>> man 5 Xwrapper.config for more information.
>> Peace.
>I had a similar problem with an account on a RH Linux system. The
>solution was to change the last line of my .xsession file from
>/usr/bin/blackbox       # Works with gdm on my Debian/Sarge system
>exec /usr/bin/blackbox  # Works with gdm on RH 7/8
>The Debian system's /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config file has the line described
>by Karsten, the RH system doesn't have that file. Note that I don't know
>_why_ my solution works...

Thanks, Karsten and Paul. My Xwrapper.config is okay. I'm going to try
exec in .xsession, .xinit, etc files (it's a new account so I don't know
why there would be stray files). When remote hands wants to work on it
again. :)

I made /tmp a symlink to /var/tmp, /var/tmp seems to have the right
permissions. but that's the only other difference from my working system
I can think of...

// George

GEORGE GEORGALIS, System Admin/Architect    cell: 347-451-8229 
Security Services, Web, Mail,            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Multimedia, DB, DNS and Metrics.       http://www.galis.org/george 

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