[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Dear Friends: > > I'm having a variety of problems with Netscape Communicator & > Debian. In my Hamm installation I tried installing Netscape both with > & without the installer .deb package. In both cases I experienced very > flaky outgoing mail performance using mail.earthlink.com as my > mailserver. The failure behavior was that once I'd click 'send' the > window would hang there and Netscape would start devouring memory as > fast as it could. The only solution was to kill the process before it > gobbled *all* the memory. This mail function worked just fine under my > previous slackware installation so I'm sure the internal Netscape > settings were OK.
I have narrowed my problem with Communicator down to the fact that my home directories are mounted via NFS. I do not have solution as of yet, but if you are using NFS for home directories, could I get some info? Basically a copy of your /etc/exports file on the NFS server, and what version of nfsd is on the server and the version of mount on the client. BTW, my problem is Communicator locks up whenever I try to open a new e-mail to be sent. Basically I cannot reply or write new e-mail.This does not happen on my home Slink setup. I only see the problem on the cluster of Slink machines I work with at school. Paul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]