At 15:03 1999-03-23 -0800, Alan Bailward wrote:
>> other machine, it brings up the boot: prompt, and then starts to load the
>> root FS from root.bin.. After loading for a while it fails with the message
>> "A20 gate not responding!"...
>> The problem machine is a 486DX33 with 8MB of RAM, if you need more info
>> about the hardware, please let me know.
>Could it be that the kernel on the rescue disk was compiled for 586+?  Could
>that be causing it?  I'm grasping I know, but... :)

These are the rescue disks from the debian-slink disk-i386 dir... I'm
pretty sure they're not using a kernel for 586+ architecture...

I should also mention that someone suggested I try the tecra rescue disk. I
did that, and had no luck... I get the same message, so now I'm really
stumped, having read the readme for the tecra disk I would have though
that'd fix the problem.

Thanks again... 

Matthew Gregan                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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