On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Sami Dalouche wrote: > I just want to know how to use defrag on a system. I don't want to make > floppy disk or something else. > Is it possible to remount / in ro mode without rebooting ? > Thanks
<preach> Why do you want to use defrag? Linux's standard filesystem (ext2) does not get fragmented very easily - typically, unless you regularly go beyond 80% occupied, you'll never see significant fragmentation. Are you really sure that you need to defragment? Even then, you *really* *really* should back up your system before you do anything so potentially catastrophic as this. And in that case, all you need to do is back up, reformat, and restore. Presto, instant defrag, without risk! (Well, as long as you trust your backup.) </preach> That being said, yes, if you really want to use defrag, you can remount read-only. To do so, try something like: mount -o remount,ro /dev/somthing /mountpoint I think you may be able to leave off the /dev/something part. Check the man page for mount. Sincerely, Ray Ingles (248) 377-7735 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Anagrams of "FANUC Robotics North America": bun of characteristic maroon omaha reconstruction fabric a cubic transformation chore cherub fractionation macros cube of anachronistic mortar