Hi folks,

Anybody out there displaying Cerius 2 output on a Linux box?  This may
be a problem with other software as well, I'm not sure.  When I use a
Debian Linux 2.0 machine to display this software, it gets the colors all
mixed up.  I was able to fix the same problem on a Mac using X emulator
software by telling the X emulator to use millions of colors.  Is there
any way to do something similar on a Linux machine?  I've been looking
through the Linux documentation, but was unable to come up with a solution.
Fred Perry

Fred Perry                            URL: http://www.physics.mun.ca/~fredric1
Programmer Consultant                 Tel. (709) 737-4572/4852                
Memorial University of Newfoundland   Fax. (709) 737-8739             
Department of Physics and                                                     
Physical Oceanography                                                         
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada                                              

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