On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 10:10:37AM -0800, Ramiel Givergis wrote:
> I ran the xhost remote host from the local box
> then from the remote ssh session I set export DISPLAY="ip-number:0.0"
> and then ran licq&
> and everything was ok just as before till I go to online mode
> you see this only happens when I'm in some kind of online mode
> (away,n/a,online) etc.  But when I'm on offline mode these message don't
> appear.  The only diference is I'm now getting:
> Xlib:  extension "MIT-SCREEN-SAVER" missing on display
> "local-host-ip-number:0.0".
> I use the most recent version of both WindowMaker and xserver-svga
> available on the potato distribution with licq .60

See, this is why I think it's licq.  I run ssh from within and X session
all the time, and my $DISPLAY gets set all kind of places, but I never get
messages griping about a screen saver.

My primary suspicion remains that somebody just mis-coded some Xlib calls
in licq.

Also, let me make sure I understand the scenario you describe:

local host (foo):                remote host (bar):
xhost + bar
ssh bar
                                 export DISPLAY="foo:0.0"
                                 licq &

licq thus runs on host foo.  Do I understand you correctly?

If so, I have a suggestion:

It's a terrible idea to use that xhost command.  You're undermining the
security of ssh in a serious way.  ssh *automatically* handles X sessions
for you if $DISPLAY is set on the machine you're coming FROM.  ssh will see
that $DISPLAY is set on the local machine, and will create, upon a
successful ssh login to a remote host (with xauth installed), a proxy
$DISPLAY (usually with server number 10), through which it will encrypt X
protocol transactions back to the local host, and then redirect them to the
local host's $DISPLAY.

In other words, all you should have to do is the following, from the local

ssh bar /usr/bin/X11/licq &

Of course, if you have other commands to run on the remote host, just "ssh
bar" as normal, then "licq &" on the remote host, and proceed to do your
other business.

G. Branden Robinson              |    The greatest productive force is human
Debian GNU/Linux                 |    selfishness.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |    -- Robert Heinlein
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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