At 3/17/99 08:12 PM +0100, Thomas Keusch wrote:
>On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 10:20:56AM -0500, Jay Barbee wrote:
>> I get this cron error ever since I upgraded the LPR package.
>> I didn't just want to run a chmod on it, but if someone could explain what
>> has happened and how to handle it I would appreciate it.
>> >/etc/cron.daily/suidmanager:
>> >/usr/sbin/lpc PERMISSION MISMATCH: was root.lp 2755 changed to root.lp
>> >/usr/bin/lpq PERMISSION MISMATCH: was root.lp 6755 changed to root.lp 06755
>> >/usr/bin/lpr PERMISSION MISMATCH: was root.lp 6755 changed to root.lp 06755
>> >/usr/bin/lprm PERMISSION MISMATCH: was root.lp 6755 changed to root.lp
>I had these errors to, some days ago. Along with an lpr package upgrade, of
>You might try chmod/chown'ing the files to root.lp (0)6755.
>The zero is the important part, don't know if you have to set it or to leave
>it out, but it fixed the problem for me.

Hey Thomas...

Thanks for the reply, but it was actually a bug in suidmanager.  I simply
upgraded the debpackage (to version .23 I believe) and now all is working fine.


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