On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 03:32:49PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I want to upgrade to LyX 1.0.1-1 from potato, since it seems slink was
> released still with LyX 0.12.0.final-0.1.  So far upgrading packages from
> slink in hamm has gone ok, but of course slink wasn't unstable but frozen. 
> Will I have any problem upgrading a hamm package with one from potato
> (including upgrading dependencies)?

No. I've done it on 4 computers without any problems. You don't have to
install any additional new programs or upgrade any programs. Just do dpkg
-i lyx*deb and all will be OK.

> Else, would it be a good idea to uninstall my current version of LyX and
> installing a LyX 1.0 tarball?

First of all install LyX not from tarball but from deb file from potato.
It will do all Debian-magic for you. You don't need to deinstall old LyX.
New LyX will upgrade your actual LyX without any problems. But if you
prefer to deinstall current version - this will work also but you will
loose all system-wide configuration files. If you will do an upgrade your 
system-wide configuration files will be preserved.

> Also, I posted the following question a couple of days ago... every now and
> then, afterstep's menu config file (/etc/X11/afterstep/menudefs.hook) seems
> to change back to before I added new menus (from /opt).  Anyway I can avoid
> it?

Try to do it "debianish". Debian has it's own philosophy of menus (because
it makes one menus system for all window managers) so you should find some
information about it and do all your changes in places which are used by
menus system and not in ready to use menu files because they are generated
all the times when window manager starts (as I understand and as I noticed
doing this myself). 

o------------------o      ___
|Leszek Gerwatowski|    _/_|_\
o------------------o   (o\__/o)=)))))))))))))
"Good programmers won't code for free so Linux cannot be good 
-- just like Van Gogh could not have been a good artist."

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