If your prompt is a "$" you are not logged in as root.  This is the regular user
prompt.  The prompt under root is "#".  You should have a password for a user 
and one for signing in as root.  When you login type "root" and then your root
password and you will have permission to do anything.  Or from the user prompt 
"su" and then you will be asked the root password.  The prompt will change to 
This will be adequate for most administrative tasks but for some you must login 
root as described above.
Hope that helps,

Joe wrote:

> I have installed Debian-Linux, after I boot, and the system asks for the
> login, I log in as root. the problem is I'm at a $prompt, I don't know
> what to do from their. I need to change /dev/mod.. to /dev/ttys... but
> the sys. says I do not have permission. Any help?
> --
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