> I was thinking about learning assembler, but there is a
> problem.
> I heard about DOS interrupts, which I guess work only in
> DOS.
> Which I guess means that if I buy a book about x86
> assembler,
> and it speak a lot about that interrupt things,
> I have a fair chance it wouldn't work in Linux, is that
> right?
> Maybe in that case, there are "Linux x86 assembler" books?
> Another question: How assembler works in the secure Linux
> environment?
> Linux checks that calls are not a threat to the system?

Funny how this question has come up again. You might like to check the list 
archive for the previous discussion.

To start this you will need to learn:

X86 assembler - Get a good general purpose book without too many references to 
any operating system.

GAS The GNU assembler. It comes with it's own documentation.

Writing assembler in LINUX. See the Assembly-HOWTO that comes with all linux 
distros (ie look in /usr/doc/HOWTO).

The simplest way to test a few assembler instructions is to use the assembler 
in-line capabilities of gcc . Forget anything you learnt about DOS software 

There nothing wrong with staying with DOS until you feel confident with 
assembler. At least it is simple. Linux is good as a host platform if you want 
to write assembler for what is known as a embedded target.

Regards ....

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