Thanks for that, I actually found it a couple minutes after posting the
question.  Next question: where is the best place to put it to make it
happen on startup?

I am doing this to get xfree working with an unsupported card.  XFree is
finding /dev/fb0 now, but gives me:

fbdevScreenInit: unable to set screen params (invalid argument)

My XF86Config is stripped down, as the fb docs say it will use the default
res, I have specified Depth 16.

Any ideas?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 1999 4:09 PM
> To: Corey Ralph
> Cc: Steve Hsieh; Debian User
> Subject: Re: /dev/fb not there?
> Steve Hsieh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > You can use mknod to make them yourself.
> Ick.  Inevitably, if you get used to doing things this way, you'll
> slip up at some point and create things with the wrong permissions.
> A much better solution is to use /dev/MAKEDEV to do it:
> /dev/MAKEDEV -v fb
> (this must be done as root).
> The point is that the existence of files in /dev has little to nothing
> to do with whether or not the kernel supports that device; creating
> the device files and supporting those devices in the kernel are
> separate tasks.  (I do remember some talk of a kernel patch that would
> make /dev into a virtual filesystem like /proc, so that files would
> appear in /dev magically as soon as the kernel was made to support the
> given device, but that's not here yet)
> --
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