Nope, you need Win95 for long file names. Even DOS 6.22, the last in the
stand-alone DOS versions, doesn't do long names. What you could do is get a
Win95 boot disk and reformat the DOS drive and then have the long names
visable to Linux, but Win3.1 would still see only 8.3

At 05:22 PM 3/1/99 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In a message dated 3/1/99 4:06:05 PM Central Standard Time,
>> Does it work to define /hda3 as vfat rather than msdos?  If vfat isn't in 
>> your
>>  kernel, you can mount it after you login.  This will give you full
>>  rather than 8.3 names.
>I can't imagine this would work.  Last I checked DOS simply didn't support
>long files names.  (I don't know about later versions - but the original
>request mentioned that you're still running Win 3.1 - I'd assume you don't
>have a really recent version of DOS either).  Long file names are a
feature of
>Win95 and the "DOS" that Win95 provides.  Simply mounting the partition as
>vfat isn't going to provide that functionality.
>This is a complete guess - but you might see if the Win32s extentions to Win
>3.1 will allow long file names.  It's been way too long since I've seen them,
>so I can't remember one way or another.
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