On Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 12:37:13PM -0600, David Welton wrote:
> Ok, so the consensus seems to be that everyone wants to meet near
> where they live;-) It might be nice to carpool a bit further south, so
> as to accomodate the people closer to san jose...  Urk, I don't know
> if I want to drive with all those swarms of other people during rush
> hour, though.  San Mateo, which someone mentioned, isn't that far,
> though.  How is the evening traffic coming north?  I guess I could do
> Oakland, if we meet near the BART thing.
> Anyone who *can't* make it anyplace in particular?

I'm still working on this, I have to make a fone call yet and get back to
joeyh about when I am going to be getting to the BART station..  Once I
know that I'll have some measure (be it small) of whats and whens.  I
hope.  =>

"Do you think she's the sincere type? ... Yeah, I was afraid of that."
                        -- Richie Ryan, Highlander: The Series

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