On Fri, Feb 26, 1999 at 05:43:18PM -0500, Johnie Ingram wrote: > We are mere hours away from the largest IRC party Debian has ever > thrown -- bigger than Bo, bigger even than Hamm. :-) > > The release of 2.1 "Slink" will happen:
> in America: at 4:00 PM PDT on Monday Mar 1 Given that there will be a lot of us in the bay area for the linuxworld expo, maybe people would like to get together in person? (I'm personally of the opinion that 'party' constitutes something with real people [hopefully of the opposite sex], real food and or alcohol, and real music [no techno;-)))] ). Anyway, 4 PM is a bit early for me on Monday (have to work), but if people would like to meet somewhere that evening, it could be fun. How about it? -- David N. Welton | Fortune rota volvitur - descendo minoratus [EMAIL PROTECTED] | alter in altum tollitur - nimis exaltatus http://www.efn.org/~davidw | rex sedet in vertice - caveat ruinam! www.debian.org - www.prosa.it | nam sub axe legimus - Hecubam reginam