
My "/var" filesystem dropped some files on the floor the other day,
including /var/lib/dpkg/*.  I could run e2fsck and dig out most of the
stuff from lost+found, but the question remains: Did I get all the
files back in the right place?  Can I in any way verify that
/var/lib/dpkg/{status,available,whatever} is consistent with what 
is actually installed?

Or even better, can I rebuild the databases, by scanning the disks
and downloading the appropriate package files?

(No, I don't have a backup.  I can reinstall debian anyway, but 
it would be nice to know if I have to.)

Hans Peter Verne ( hpv @ kjemi.uio.no )         Phone: (+47) 22 85 54 14
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Oslo.         Fax:   (+47) 22 85 54 41

`It would seem that you have no useful skill or talent whatsoever,
have you thought of going into teaching?'    -- Terry Pratchett, "Mort"

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