Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
> I want to know what lpr options can be used to format ascii text docs.
> Specifically, I want to have my docs print with normal 1 inch margins.
> I'm running lprng, magicfilter, and gs-aladdin.  Thanks

If you use an HP printer, you may use PCL commands at the end of the 
magicfilter-script. mine looks like that:

# Original default entry
#default                        cat     \eE\e&k2G\e(0N  \eE
# My default to change Font and Margins:
default                 cat     \eE\e&k2G\e(0N\e(s0p12h10v0b0s8T\e&a8L  \eE

Dr. Guenter Schmidt   | Bruker Analytik GmbH | Phone: +49 7243-504-443
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