Okay, not really on-topic for the debian user list, but because I'm running debian I wanted some input.
I live in Australia and I'm looking at perhaps starting an ISP sometime within the next six to twelve months. At present I am unable to purchase a multi-modem card in Brisbane (where I live), but this is sort of irrelevant. I am wondering which multi-modem cards are people suggest (I am hesistant about buying 50+ modems for the machine as I have spare slots in the computer, but only 1 serial port, okay I could add more, but why?). The multi-modem card(s) would have to be Austel approved (problem there), but other than that, I will look at anything which would suit. Also I'm not looking at paying anymore than AU$100/modem port (it only costs me around AU$100 a modem, so why go for the more expensive one?). I would definately prefer to buy a card that comes with drivers for linux (i.e. a Linux-Supporting manufacturer). Thanks in advance, Peter Ludwig