Hello, I am experiencing some wierdness with exim. I run fetchmail and download say 30 messages, but only some of them show up in my mail box. Running mailq doesn't show anything. The messages show up eventually, magically from somewhere but I have no way of knowing if all of them made it that were sent originally.
Where does the mail go in between the time fetchmail delivers it until it shows up in my mailbox, sometimes many minutes later? How can I know if all of the mail came through ok if it doesn't show up in the output from mailq? Is there a way to force exim to deliver any undelivered mail, like the runq from smail used to do? I searched the debian user list more than a year into the past for any email abouot exim and read them all. I mangaged to get exim to rewrite outgoing mail headers correctly, and setup a .forward for exim (which I have attached.) Thanks for taking the time to read this. -- Jim Foltz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ACORN techie <http://www.acorn.net> AOL/IM jim_foltz
# Exim filter if error_message then finish endif if $header_x-loop: contains "debian-user" then save $home/Mail/debian-user endif if $h_x-loop: contains "debian-devel" then save $home/Mail/debian-devel endif if $header_subject: is "Test" then save $home/Mail/test endif