Hi, there ! I am just trying to install Debian 2.0(.34) on my 486/50.
Other components are: 8 MB RAM SVGA 1 MB WD 210 MB Conner 210 MB Soundblaster 1.5 ser. Mouse The CDROM (in Windows a "MITSUMI newer single speed") is connected to an extra Controller (only one connector, looks like ATAPI, (E)ISA, CINCH-connectors at the rear). I have tried to install Debian from the Rescue Disk. When prompted where from to install the KERNEL, I tried all CDROM-Connections (first on primary to second on fourth), but all attempts have failed (not correctly mounted) although the Debian CD was inside of the drive (!). Then, using the "DRV1440.bin" that I had copied with Rawrite 2.0 onto a 3.5" 1.44 MB - Disk, I tried it with the "Proprietary CDROM" - option. But the following happened: First a short check of the floppy, then the question whether I liked COLOR or NOT to install Debian. Answering anything gets me back to the question "NEXT = installing KERNEL ..." - and so on !! HELP !!