On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Nils Lorvick wrote:

> As I referred to in my previous email, is that I have tried fdisk /mbr
> in DOS and that hasen't worked. I believe there is something corrupt
> in the boot sector/FAT tables. And I can't get it back. I have tried
> the DD if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda1 bs=1024 count=1 and it doesn't do 
> ANYTHING. It gives me the default options menu...but nothing happens to the 
> hard drive.

is this the dd (if there is one) on the rescue floppy?  It may be a
stripped down version.  Perhaps someone with more C skills than I could
compile you a quick binary to do this without linking many (or any)
dynamic libraries.

Of course, it's always possible that your first few sectors are hosed, but
not too likely.  I think you're on the right track with the dd command
though, as I remember reading somewhere that in order for DOS to recognize
a partition as its own, it must see either all zeros ore dos partition
data on that drive.  It's more complicated than that, but I don't remember
a whole lot of it.

Good luck.


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