The previous problem I had with getting DOS back on my laptop (Toshiba T4400C) 
has not been fixed. I've tried the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda1 bs=1024 (and 
512) count=1 and I've gotten nothing but
errors with that line. if I get red of the bs=1024 count=1 portion, I get an 
error saying "invalid number: dev/zero" and then if I keep that portion in, I 
get some other error talking about stdin and stdout. I've tried fdisk /mbr and 
that hasen't worked at all. I've
also tried repartitioning with DOS 6.22 fdisk, and that hasen't worked
either. I've tried using linux fdisk and cfdisk and the DOS options,
and none has worked. I'm still stuck with the same problem of not 
being able to boot from my HD. And yes I've tried the active paritions. 
The problem is not in DOS Fdisk as I have tried changing the partition
table there and nothing changes, I cannot get DOS to change the table
at all. And the DD line doesn't work at all unless I'm doing something
wrong with the command line.

Nils =O)
"You could trouble me for a nice warm glass of shut up!"

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