On 17-Feb-99 Robert King wrote:
> I'm trying to compile pine 4.10 and having problems.  The build fails with 
> ld: cannot open -lncurses: No such file or directory
> I'm trying to work out if I'm missing a required library before reporting
> it as a bug, but there doesn't seem to be any way to find out what a
> source package depends on, and pine being pine, there isn't a binary
> package to check.
> (for the pine problem) These are the ncusrses stuff I have:
In Debian there is a separation between the development libraries and what is
need to run an already built program.  You do have the ncurses library. 
However you did not install the -dev package so you can not compile anything
that needs ncurses.  The -dev gives the header files and the libfoo.so ->
libfoo.so.?.? link.

Source depends is being implemented and added to dpkg.  A few developers have
test versions.

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