Hi, I'm attempting my first kernel compiling and was reading in the
Debian User's Guide that an easy way to do this is to install,
kernel-source and kernel-package.  I have also heard there is an X
configuration tool for this also.  Anyway I tried installing the kernel
packages with dselect.  I have used dselect to install programs off the
official cd before.  This time I selected my packages with "+" I hit
"enter" to accept the default dependent packages it selected.  Then
"enter" again and then "install."  The problem is, shortly after
selecting "install" I'm told that the "installation is OK hit return to
continue."  Usually there is a ton of info that scrolls by before I get
"installation is OK...", that is not happening.  Dselect says the
programs have not been installed under "select".  Anyone know what is
going on here.  I tried a reboot to clear dselect but that didn't help.
I have gone through these steps twice.

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