Curt Daugaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When trying to open certain documents in Netscape--for example, the
> Printing-HOWTO at sunsite.unc--the document is not displayed right
> away but starts to download.  When it's done a dialog box appears with
> this message:
>    Netscape: subprocess diagnostics(stdout/stderr)
>    Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
>    [24; 1H [0;10mVim: Error reading input, exiting...
>    Vim: Finished.
>    [24;1H
>    Vim: Warning:Input is not from a terminal
> I have no idea what brought this on.  Does anyone else?  I'd be grateful
> to anyone who can give me a clue.

Well, I don't know what brought it on, but I have an idea of how 
to fix it - go to the Edit->Preferences menu in netscape, then go into
for Navigator->Applications (you may have to click on the little
triangle next to Navigator).  Then, select "Plain Text" in dialog box
(it's likely all the way at the bottom).  Notice that it's not set up
to be handled by Netscape.  Edit the type and select the "Navigator"
option button in the "Handled by..." group.

My; describing how to do something in a GUI is painful - it's so much
easier to say "change line 432 to... in the such-and-such file".

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