On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, Yi-ping Chang wrote:

There is nothing wrong with vi for big-5 compatibility.  I have found
you have to be clever how  you place your mouse to get the input ok.

The other thing was to open crxvt first but not to open xcin with the 
crxvt window but to do a 
ctrl-z bg 
and then 
in the original xterm

Judging by the HOWTO there are many woes for input. I got it going with

xcin -in1 phonetic.tab 

for chu yin and roman input 

crxvt works well with lynx , lynx will need no special configuration;
point it straight at your favorite page with big-5

best regards from 
angus claydon
Hello, guys: > 
> I would like to know which text editor is compatible with big-5 Chinese
> text.  I have "xcin" and "crxvt" installed in my linux box.  Because my
> favorite editor is vi, I tried to open a Chinese document with that in
> crxvt terminal, but what I found is some thing like \056\378\053.....
> It didn't turn these special characters into Chinese but just print
> their code.  So if somebody can help me out on this, I will really
> appreciate it.  Thanks in advance.
> Yi-ping Chang
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