I've been running hamm for the past year, and just now installed slink on another partition, so thru LILO, i can choose hamm, slink or (ugh!) windows. I run kde as my Xwindow manager, but I need to configure xterm for a scrollbar, so that when I use Seyon to connect to my bank, I need the scrolling in xterm so that I can view all the data when I reconcile my checking account. In hamm, in /etc/X11/Xresources/ I added to the xterm file:
XTerm*ScrollBar: true XTerm*saveLines: 10000 Seyon.vt100.saveLines: 10000 and the seyon terminal comes up with scrollbar functionality, but in Slink, the same entry doesn't affect xterm or the seyon terminal at all. So I wrote the same changes into Xsession, theninto ~/.xsession, then into /~.Xresourses, but I never could get xterm to execute with a scrollbar. Using the command: xterm -sb I get xterm with the scrollbar, but that's not the solution I can use. Come to think of it, I couldn't get xscreensaver or change xset settings in any of the above scripts in slink. No problem in hamm, though. Any thoughts? John