Your new, to these boot disks, I remember when there was only five disks. Now there is seven not including the boot disk you made. the man-db would fit on a floppy, but what language are you going to put on it english? what about everyone else. how hard is it to get the man-db file and the manpages of your choice. I agree that is an important package but not essential to get linux up and running. Paul
On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 1/26/99 9:55:07 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > hello, very simple. Man-db is not necessary to run linux. it is nice to > have but if you don't have man linux can still run. the other reason why > man is not included in the base distribution is the space issue. > I see that point, but.... * How big is it, really, especially tarred and gzipped. I can't imagine one more boot disk is that big of an issue. If it's more than one disk, maybe a subset of the manpages is warranted that CAN be included. * Being that man is the basic help system of Linux, it's too important to NOT include in the boot disks. ESPECIALLY for new users. * Man may not be required, but everyone on this list constantly points to man pages. The reference manuals constantly point to man pages. It's totally frustrating to be told to read the man pages, but you don't have them, and can't figure out how to get them because you don't have the man pages. Jay -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null