> > > On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Christian Lavoie wrote: > > > > > > > I starting to think this whole mess started on a word understanding > > > > problem. I wouldn't name such an organization a 'corporation', =P
> Written by someone in a Europeanish timezone ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Looks like my timezone is screwed up, 'cause I'm Canadian. > > > > > > > > > > Since "corporation" is the legal term for the type of entity I am > > > describing, I don't see what's wrong with calling it a democratic > > > corporation. > Written by someone in a North Americanish timezone ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > I thought Companies were owned by their shareholders. But I'm British. So do I. > I hope Debian is international. So it might be worth using carefully > some clearer terminology to discuss these issues? Debian IS international, AFAIC, and because of that, we are facing terminology problems, even in English 'versions' close as Canadian/American. Let's just take on our own to make sure the main topic of a message is clearly outlined by more than s ingle term. Esperanto anyone? Christian Lavoie