> All of the dpkg info is in /var/lib/dpkg. All of the files are plain 
text files, use less to look at them. APT stores its cache in 
/var/cache/apt. The files appear to be binary. There is a debian-dpkg 
and a mailing list, try checking out the archives of that. Also, there 
is a mailing list for apt, its debian-deity.

I was wondering... (And this probably already has been mentioned but 
anyway), why wouldn't DPKG/APT/DSELECT use a real database server like 
mySQL/mSQL/PostgreSQL/... to keep it's own database? We could keep the 
readability of the data, and add all the power of a database server 
behind it. Has this been done or is it complete crap? (I think there 
could be trouble when dpkg tries to update the database server but 
there should be a way around it...)

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