Thomas Adams wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 11, 1999 at 05:53:50PM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> >       Newsgroups allow you to only download the subject lines of the
> > messages instead of have to download all messages whether you
> > would have read them or not.  I'm glad you have a 56k connection,
> How many Unix newsreaders offer this?

        Don't all news-servers provide for this, and all news-readers
implement it?  The news reader in NS Communicator does the above.

> > but keep in mind there are others with only 33.6 or 28.8
> > connections.  Downloading 400-500 messages at 28.8, or less, still
> > takes awhile.
> Folks, I can only recommend you to get a UUCP account with your provider or
> bully them very hard if they don't offer this. I have one and am subscribed to
> like 20 mailinglists with several hundred messages a day. They get compressed
> at my provider's system and I download them within one minute. Even without
> ISDN it wouldn't take me more than two or three minutes. So with UUCP
> connection time is no issue.

        Now this is new to me.  Thanks.  I'll ask about this with my ISP.

Ed C.

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