I use opera and mozilla on my box with macromedia flash player plugin in versions 5.x 
and 6.x for a while. No problems so far. Since I installed sound system alsa. It is 
installed from alsa sources in the actual release 0.9.0rc6 and works very well 
starting xmms or alsamixer for example.

The problem appeared, when I tried to open sites with flash on it like 
breedband.telenet.be or www.macromedia.com. The workstation freezes and becomes 
unreachable. It happens with Opera 6.11 or Mozilla 1.2 with flash player 6.0.69 and a 
former 6.x version too. But both browsers can play flash with the older plugin 5.0r51. 
With this older flash player plugin I can see that the soundsystem is started when I 
open the two URLs, which makes me think there is a relation between the new installed 
sound system and the flash plugin problem.

Anything known about this strange behaviour? Anybody, who runs alsa and flash player 
plugin 6.x on the same Debian machine?



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