On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 12:25:13AM -0500, Reaz Baksh wrote:
> Hello
> Can someone please help me with these questions?
> -I have Debian 3.0 running on a dual PIII Compaq.  Does Debian recognize
> and utilize both CPUs?  Is there a way I can check that Debian does use
> the two chips? 

Install an SMP kernel.  kernel-image-2.4.18-686smp should work, or build
one with SMP support enabled.

> -I'm trying to install a SFA110A, SohoWhare, NIC card with the
> MX98713AFC chip and have it work through DHCP.  When I install the card
> and do a lspci, it shows up as an Ethernet card with the correct chip. I
> downloaded the source drivers from SOHOWhare which is I believe listed
> for Red Hat.  The instructions said that if I don't have the directory

Why?  Is it supported by mainline kernels or not?

> '/usr/src/linux-2.4.2/' on my system I have to upgrade. I tried

That's not going to work, and 2.4.2 was a thoroughly icky kernel anyhow.

> upgrading the Kernel to 2.4.20 using make-kpkg but when I boot using
> that kernel version it can't find a whole set of modules. How do I add

Either run 'update-modules' or fix your kernel image.

> this driver to the Debian system?  I'm using Kernel 2.4.18-bf24.

Just install a real Debian kernel.  apt-get install the kernel image I
mentioned above.  Find out if mainline kernels support this card before
you start messing around with downloading drivers.


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