>> "H" == HoBzIE  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

H> I have a PS/2 mouse, Logitech Mouseman 4 btn, that will not work with 
H> either gpm or X, when i start gpm with protocol PS/2 and dev - psaux it 
H> says.. "gpm: /dev/psaux operation not supported by device" 

Do you have ps2 compiled into the kernel? If not, try modprobe ps2. Check 
the success with lsmod and also take a look at the syslog.

Also cat /proc/interrupts will show you the devices that produce
interrupts (when the driver is loaded IIRC, so this is maybe not

H> that text mens but i think its strange cuz i have had it working before 
H> with the exacly samt comp. and samt hardware, with one exception.. that is 
H> that i now have a CD-R recorder in.. could it be that the CD-R are using 
H> irq 12??

Unplug it, check.

What kind of device is it? SCSI, IDE ?


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