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> Tonight I'm going to install bo from Cd and make sure the modem still works.
> If it does then I'll install things one at a time and see what happens.

OK, here's the story.  I removed the sound card, disabled all of the com 
ports, made IRQ 4 a Legacy IRQ so PNP wouldn't do anything with it.  
Reinstalled bo to a spare partition from CDROM.  Tried minicom.  That didn't
work, tried pppd with my original ppp configuration.  Didn't work.  Booted
Win95. Modem works fine.  Went into hyperterminal program and reset the modem
to factory defaults AT&F0 (I think it was). It still works from Win95.  Booted
to DOS and ran telix.  Didn't work.  Can't talk to the modem.  Rebooted win95, 
Yep, still works.  Booted Linux (bo) again.  Doesn't work from ppp or minicom
my program.

Resolution:  I give up and am going to buy an external 56K modem today.

Something is broken in the computer or the modem which prevents use of the
modem by anything other than win95.  I sure wish I knew what it was.

No, it isn't a winmodem, but it sure is acting like one.

THanks for the help,

To see my .signature file, go to http://reality.sgi.com/jwl/signature/

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