On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 08:43:40PM -0700, Tim Heuser wrote:

> Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 20:38:10 -0700
> From: Tim Heuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Subject: Installing debian with Win98
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
> boundary="------------3BAAB8B47CC52510DFB4A678"
> (please excuse the non-use of Linux vocabulary)
<-- snip -->
> I was running OS/2 and doing ok.  I decided to try Linux seeing as OS/2 is 
> pretty much dropping any kind of
> appreation for home users and I don't like Gates.  For my classes at college 
> I decided I needed Windows
> (seeing as everything they use is windows based so far).  I decided to put 
> windows on c:, already had OS/2 on
> E:, and was going to put Linux on D: (boot) & F; with G: being an all around 
> fat drive, using the boot
> manager that came with OS/2. (C: and D: being on the 840 meg drive, E: F: and 
> G: being on the 6gig.  Couldn't
> get it to work, and like I said, I needed the computer.
> On installation of Windows98 It saw I had a boot manager and gave me 2 
> choises, erase the boot manager or
> stop installation.  I decided I had to do it and erased the boot manager and 
> dumped my OS/2.
> I'd still like to get both windows and Linux running on the same machine.

My friend is currently running LInux+Win98. I think as long as you install
win98 first you'll be okay. The latest version of Fips (2.20 I think) will
even let you chop off part of the 98 partition if you didn't partition
before installing.   After you run all the Linux installation stuff, and
it's installed properly, LILO will work just fine with win98. At least
my friend hasn't had any problems with it...

Hope this helps.

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