On Sun, Jan 03, 1999 at 05:11:34PM +0100, Jérôme Zago wrote:
> I can't figure how to mount SMB shares...
> "smbclient //servif3/user4if -U jzago" works just fine but I would like to 
> mount this share to /mnt/servif3.
> "Usage: smbmount-2.1.x service <password> [-p port] [-d debuglevel] [-l log]"
> it seems like smbclient. where does I provide the mount point ?
> Thanks for your help.
>         Agt the Walker.

I use smbmount 2.0.2 an it works like this.
usage: smbmount //server/service mount-point [options]
Version 2.0.2

-p port        Port to connect to (used only for testing)
-m max_xmit    max_xmit offered (used only for testing)

-s servername  Netbios name of server
-c clientname  Netbios name of client
-I machinename The hostname of the machine
-U username    Username sent to server
-D domain      Domain name
-u uid         uid the mounted files get
-g gid         gid the mounted files get
-f mode        permission the files get (octal notation)
-d mode        permission the dirs get (octal notation)
-C             Don't convert password to uppercase
-P password    Use this password
-n             Do not use any password
               If neither -P nor -n are given, you are
               asked for a password.
-h             print this help text 


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