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I just solved this one.  You need the libc5 libraries from the oldlibs
directory.  I assume you are running hamm.

dpkg --install oldlibs/xpm4.7_3.4j-0.6.deb
dpkg --install oldlibs/libg++27_2.7.2.1-14.4.deb

will probably fix it.

> All :
> After installing Navigator 4.5, and attempting to run, I get the
> following error messgae 
> "./netscape: can't load library 'libXpm.so.4"
> Running a "ldd netscape" tells me that
> "libXpm.so.4 => not found"
> "libg++.so.27 => not found"
> "libstdc++.so.27 => not found"
> What am i missing ?
> Mike
> -- 
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