On Mon, Dec 21, 1998 at 10:18:03PM -0500, AJ wrote:
> Ok got wordperfect 8 installed.. gotta say i like heres my only problem:
> i have an epson stylus color 800 printer.. my printer isnt listed with
> the drivers..
> so what one do i select and after that what do i fill in so that it
> prints directly to the printer and stuff,
> thanx for your time,
You could install a postscript driver such as the postscript pass-through
driver and let ghostscript do the rendering. My understanding from reading
the corel support newsgroups is that it doesnt support color printing. You
can also use a WP 6 print driver as follows:

1) Go to www.corel.com and snoop around until you find the appropriate
driver for wp version 6 for windows. This will be a self-extracting zip file
in a DOS exe. The one with the epson drivers is 60DM01.EXE

2) Download it and use unzip (from non-free) with the -L option to extract
the print driver file. The -L option lower-cases the file name. You should
end up with a file named wp60dm01.all (for the Epsons). 

3) Rename it wp60dm01.us.all, mv it to the shlib10 directory, and fixup
permissions and ownerships as needed.

4) Start xwp, select File>Print>Select Printer>Printer Create/Edit>Add and
the Stylus 800 Should appear on the list.

your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

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