Hi! }-> man setfont }-> }-> }-> On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Shao Zhang wrote: }-> }-> > Hi all, }-> > Is it possible to change the font size in the consoles(tty1, 2, 3, }-> > 4, 5,)?? }-> > }-> > Thx.
if you are in an xterm use "ctrl"-"right mouse button" this will pupup a menu where you can choos some (standart) font-sizes -- until next mail ;) . ___ ---___ .--. ./ - / \ ___ ( DEBIAN `- |O O | | | ; --. | | |___| : GNU/Linux _- |<_) \. | __ eter | - / | || | `. www.debian.org / ' .\. ||__| ` --- . ___ .. ' | . .| | | artosch | .. .\. |___| / . ..| /,\ .__\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | o| | | |O (| / student of technical computer science \.. \____\ / university of applied sciences krefeld (germany) \__/ \_/