>Autoppp works and I get a
>succesful PAP login. After that though, the home-client machine and
>the work-server don't seem to communicate the local and remote
>addresses properly - resulting in the home machine giving up saying
>that it "Could not determine local IP address" and hangs up ppp with
>"No network protocols running"

Your ppp server needs to know what IP address it can give out to your
machine. However, it looks like you might already be doing this. I did
notice something a little odd, though...

Your home machine, not having an IP address, asks the work-server if it can
use ""...
  [HOME] sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>]

Your work machine knows that this is silly and it sends back a ConfNak (to
request number "id=1"), telling your home machine that using that address is
absolutely out of the question. However, the nice thing it does is that is
says (to your home machine) "Psstt...  ask me if you can use"...
  [WORK] sent [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <addr>]

However, the strange thing is that your home machine never shows reception
of this in the logs. It just keeps asking for and your work-server
keeps trying to issue it an IP.

Another thing that's wierd, is that the home machine is acknowledging the
work-server's IP address, and the work server is SEEING those
  [WORK] rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01>]

but it keeps asking for it. Strange, indeed.

My only suggestion would be to try it without the asyncmap option (which
should cause ppp to use the desperate asyncmap of 0xffffffff... which you
could also try explicitly). If that works, start trying turning off a bunch
of the bits in the asyncmap to see of the problem returns. Eventually, you
may boil it down to the one or two characters than need to be escaped.

- Joe

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