On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Mike Touloumtzis wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 14, 1998 at 10:57:21PM -0700, Robert Kerr wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to port a program from HP-UX to Linux, but I seem to be missing
> > a header file.  This seems kind of strange to me, since the header file is
> > present in the gcc directories on the HP's, but nowhere is it to be found
> > on my LInux box.  The header file is generic.h.  
> > Where can I get this?
> > 
> Hmmmm... can't help you with this one; not familiar with HP-UX.
> > Second question.  Can someone enlighten me as to the difference between
> > g++ and egcs, and what is compatible with what?
> 'g++' could be either the GNU gcc version or egcs.  I have gcc
> installed as my C compiler, but egcs for C++ (this is Hamm):
> sarcastro:~$ g++ --version
> egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)
> sarcastro:~$ gcc --version
> sarcastro:~$ dpkg -l | egrep 'gcc|egcs'
> ii  egcs-docs       2.90.29-0.6    Documentation for the egcs compilers 
> (egcc, 
> ii  g++             2.90.29-0.6    The GNU (egcs) C++ compiler.
> ii  gcc       The GNU C compiler.
> ii  libstdc++2.8    2.90.29-0.6    The GNU stdc++ library (egcs version)
> Egcs (pronounced 'eggs') is hosted by Cygnus and was started because of
> historical concerns about gcc's slow pace of development and small, closed
> group of developers.  Egcs _is_ gcc; it was forked off the gcc code, but
> I'd imagine that for C++, at least, egcs has seen some serious changes.
> The consensus seems to be that for C++, egcs offers much better
> compatibility with the ISO standard and a greater push to incorporate
> modern ideas in compiler design (the egcs/gcc backend is still years out
> of date in some areas).  The way the gcc/egcs scenario will ideally work
> is that egcs is the more advanced, experimental compiler, and features
> from it are backmerged into gcc as they become stable.  It has yet to
> be determined if this is workable.
> miket

Thanks for the explanation.  I find that I have the same setup as you do,
and now I even understand it.


The amount of time between slipping on the peel and landing on the
pavement is precisely one bananosecond---
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *    368 Clyde Building, BYU       *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]               *        Provo, Utah  84602        *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]             *      Phone: (801) 378-2029       *
* http://www.et.byu.edu/~kerrr    *      Fax: (801) 378-4449         *

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