On Thu, 10 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : Two things:
 : 1) /usr/lib/games/nethack/nethack should be chmod-ed 2755, owned by root
 : and belonging to group games. I suspect this is where your problem lies.
 : /usr/games/nethack is just a wrapper shell script to execute the nethack
 : binary.
 : 2) Are you running hamm (Debian 2.0) or slink (frozen)? I'm running frozen
 : and the latest version of the nethack package is 3.2.2-15.

Figured it out - the /tmp exploit kernel patch is preventing nethack
from running.  No big deal, I'll install it on a box that doesn't have
that patch :)

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
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