On Tue, Dec 08, 1998 at 09:51:01PM -0400, Jeff Browning wrote: > Now that I got X up and running, I got a few questions. > > 4. If I'm idle for about 10 minutes, my screen turns black, how do I > turn that off or start a screen saver? >
To disable blanking for the text consoles: setterm -blank 0 To disable X server screen blanking: xset s off To get a (great!) screensaver for X, install the xscreensaver package and add the following to your ~/.xsession (for XDM) or equivalent for startx (.xinitrc? not sure what Debian uses): xset s off xscreensaver & These lines should precede the one that execs your window manager. My .xsession is: =========================== #!/bin/sh xset s off xscreensaver & exec fvwm2 =========================== miket