Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 15:57:44 -0600 From: "Richard E. Hawkins Esq." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Subject: partition table on dos zip disks
this may seem like an odd question, but could someone send me the partition table for a dos zip, as shipped by iomega? my backup of windows & dos for my laptop was on one when my zip drive died, killing the partition table. Now it seems that the ibm audio stuff doesn't like drdos, so i need to restore msdos (ugh) to the disk . . . rick ----------------------------------------------------- Try to re-partition that zip disk again, but ONLY make a partition number 4. All zip disks are partitioned with one partition 4 and no partitions numbered 3,2, or 1. Why? This is a Mac thing. (Same for Bernoulli's too BTW). _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at