> Your Absolutely right !!
> > If I had the CD I would of used it !
        It was just a suggestion... it's so much easier, and many people do
not know they can boot from it, so they install the operating system from
floppies in order to be able to use the CD later.

        Anyway, there is so much more packages to install after you get the
OS (operating system) installed, that if you are in the US, Europe or
otherwise could possibly get a CD in a reasonable time frame, it will be
worthwile.  Diskettes aren't reliable, you know.  But all installation can
be done from diskettes, I myself did not have a CD when I did my first

> My information was you were had knowledgeable on the process of
> > installing
> > this software via raw data floppies as described in installation
> > procedures..
        I myself do not know much... other people in the list have more and
better knowledge than me.  Anyway, no knowledge is enough without a full
description of error.  So many little things can go wrong, from a physical
error in the diskette surface to a not-so-clear dialogue, that without the
details we are in the dark.

> > The only Indication of any error was on installation of 2,3 & 4, base
> > 1.44
> > floppies it
> > stated "2 out of 6 " which tells me you used the some of the same raw
> > data
> > for
> > 1.2 floppies as 1.44 ---
> > But there was not any indication of errors ---
        Anyway, what is the exact, verbatim message you get when the process
goes wrong?  If you send this details to the list, I am sure someone will be
able to help.

        When I asked you for more details, I intended to give other people
in the list who would read your answer better conditions of fixing your
problems, because I myself will not be of much help.  So, you need to send
your answer to the list, not to me personally.  That way other people with
the same problem as you will benefit as well.

        Other details that would be important are the machine you have, its
configuration, and which version of Debian GNU/Linux you got.

        Still hoping we can help!

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